Newest Content By '「リアルでありえない世界」' Manufacturer - Japanese Amateur Porn


学生の頃に見た、体育で教師の一言で簡単に泥水で染まる体操服、日直や掃除・避難訓練・ 運動会や正座、校則や集団行動に縛られ理不尽に濡れたり汚れたりする日々過酷な学生服。 そんな光景や状態が好きでたまらないフェチな人に贈る、本物学生衣料を土砂泥や粉や水で 汚したり濡らしたり、時々リアルでありえない無茶再現を収めた静止画写真集です。 When I was a student, I was shocked to see how easy it was to get dirty in sports uniforms at the behest of the PE teacher. I was shocked when I was a student at school to see how easy it was to get dirty in sportswear when ordered by the PE teacher. For fetishists who can't get enough of the WAM scene in schools, this is a collection of authentic still photographs that capture the surreal mix of the real and the unreal.



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